Photoshop - - - Use Only When Necessary!
I spend countless hours looking at pictures on more sites than I care to recall. I'm always studying the technical aspect of the shots. I look at the lighting and try to imagine what the photographer did to achieve the effects. I look at the models to see how they're posed and try to imagine what they're thinking. But mostly I'm looking to see if the photographer has over-photoshopped the image. Call it a personal pet peeve, but, I absolutely cannot stand to see over-processed pics! To me they are no longer photographs they are digital illustrations created by graphic artists not photographers! It just makes me lose a little of my soul when I see people swoon over a digital illustrator's pictures and laud them with praise of their photographic skills. I've personally witnessed one of these lauded "photographers" hold her point and shoot camera at arm's length and take a quick snap and then spend 3 hours photoshopping it until she was happy with it. After posting she got no less than 60+ comments praising her for her photo skills. Gah!
Now, don't get me wrong! Photoshopping your pics is a must. Fixing the levels, cropping, adjusting the color a tad, are all legitimate and sometimes necessary processes that every photographer has to perform. That is no different than a film photographer doing a little adjusting in the dark room. Blemish removal isn't even what I'm talking about either. I'm talking about complete and total image manipulation resulting in something that is hardly human in the end. Skin that looks porcelain and doll-like. 15 years of wrinkles and freckles painted away in minutes. I interviewed a model who clearly looked almost twice her age in person compared to the pics in her portfolio. That's just wrong! Do that if that's your thing but don't claim to be a photographer! You're a digital illustrator!
For instance, here is a picture straight out of the camera.
And here it is after I digitally manipulated it.To me, this is how obvious some "photographer's" pictures are over-processed and still called photographs. They just aren't, anymore than this one is!
Here is another photograph almost straight out of the camera.
The only photoshopping done on this photograph was a desaturation (black and whited), a level adjustment, and some burning to blacken out the background. Still a photograph despite some photoshopping.
I would love to post some digital manipulations of things that were once women but aren't anymore. But I don't think they or their digital illustrators would appreciate it.
The bottom line here is photography. If you are going to call yourself a photographer then work to perfect your photography skills. If you are going to be a master photoshopper then call yourself a digital illustrator and stop claiming to be a photographer!
Until we meet again!
I'm agreeing 100%!
OK, I'm not a gifted Photoshopper, I'm using Lightroom and have still very limited skills (I try to improve daily, though) and I totally agree that "de-nature-ing" a picture has nothing to do with photography.
And thanks for your super-creative and delightful flickr-stream!
You're quite welcome! Glad you are enjoying it. And keep shooting. It's the only way to improve.
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